John Rodrigues


John Rodrigues specializes in designing Mobile, Web, and SaaS products. He creates impactful solutions through research, strategy, UI Design, Interaction design, and design project management.

John Rodrigues is a Product Designer with 7 years of experience in the product and design industry. He specializes in helping companies design impactful and scalable digital products. John has worked with global companies such as Citi bank, leading and executing projects from strategy to execution. He has founded, a platform dedicated to helping designers level up their design skills, and has mentored over 250 designers. He is also a top 10 mentor on ADPlist and holds a Masters in user experience and Interaction design.

He is also a content creator who shares insights and helps designers and brands stay updated on industry changes. He has spoken at various events and conducted workshops on design careers, AI, XR Design, prototyping, and more. Some of his work has been mentioned in leading media outlets like the New York Times and recognized by publications such as PhillyCHI.

John Rodrigues specializes in designing Mobile, Web, and SaaS products. He creates impactful solutions through research, strategy, UI Design, Interaction design, and design project management.

Design Philosophy

Good Design is Feasible, Desirable, Viable But Above All Meaningful.

My Journey

“For me, design is not just a career, but a way of looking at and interacting with the world”
I started my career as an engineer and eventually discovered my passion for design. Constant curiosity and a commitment to learning led me to specialize in physical product design. I then worked as a consultant for various startups before pursuing a master’s degree in UX design. This opened doors for me and allowed me to work for high-growth companies, further developing my expertise in digital product design.
Through UX design, I found a mission in building good products that impact people’s lives. It all goes back to my childhood, where curiosity and building things were my constant companions.

Collaboration and Team work approach

A good product is the result of collective shared insights from people. Collaboration is key to my work. I value constant feedback, stakeholder insights, and my own initiative to drive the design direction. Culture and community play important roles in how we work. I always strive to foster a culture of growth and collaboration in everything I do.


My Expertise

I specialize in designing impactful and user-friendly mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. I also have expertise in creating intuitive and scalable web applications, SaaS products, and immersive experiences for AR, VR, and MR. Additionally, I have experience designing products for B2B and B2C markets, as well as crafting user-friendly internal tools for organizations. I offer consultation services to improve product design and user experience, and provide mentorship, coaching, and workshops on design topics.

My Values

  • Curiosity
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
  • Continues Learning
  • Confidence
  • Team Work
  • Balance

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John Rodrigues

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